Dovecot IMAPS Proxy with OpenBSD 4.8

In a previous article, I discussed setting up an IMAP proxy to get mail remotely from my iPhone using Doevcot.  The one part of the set up I never really liked is that the link from my bastion host acting as a proxy and my actual mail server had to go un-encrypted.  Granted this was inside my network and if someone was sniffing the transaction off the wire I had bigger problems, but it still bothered me as less than perfect.  While I could have grabbed a Dovecot RC source tarball and had the feature, I preferred to stay with what was packaged with OpenBSD and have lived with the lack of encryption inside my network.  Well I finally (OK, just a month and a half since release) updated my inbound proxy to OpenBSD 4.8. and one of the prominent notes on the upgrade is a move to Dovecot 1.2.x.  This upgrade allows encryption of the proxied connection and resolves that long-standing concern I’ve had.

Assuming your internal mail server is already listening for IMAPS connections, you only need to modify the “extra-fields” in your /etc/dovecot.passwd file to get encryption of the proxied connection.  For example:

bubba:{PLAIN-MD5}31337::::::proxy=y host= ssl=any-cert port=993


Before and After

Before and After



2 responses to “Dovecot IMAPS Proxy with OpenBSD 4.8



    Do you know the way how to rawlogs user messages on IMAP proxy ?


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